Deep Shade Utah
Enhancing the knowledge and dialogue about dry, shade plants in the
Greater Intermountain West
Deep Shade Utah
Enhancing the knowledge and dialogue about dry, shade plants in the
Greater Intermountain West
Enhancing the knowledge and dialogue about dry, shade plants in the
Greater Intermountain West
Enhancing the knowledge and dialogue about dry, shade plants in the
Greater Intermountain West
The mission of Deep Shade Utah is to enhance the dialogue of amateur gardening in Utah and the Greater Intermountain Area. We particularly emphasize enhancing the knowledge and communication of perennial, ornamental gardening in deep or dappled shaded areas. The channel provides guidance, advice, and inquiries to the public to promote the dialogue between all casual, residential gardeners. We also are excited to share the joy of gardening with you. Join us on our journey!
Adam "The Shade Gardener" is an avid perennial gardener with a passion for dry, deep shade gardening. In 2022, he received his Master Gardener certification from Utah State University extension. He is passionate about perennial gardening.
Martha "The Dreamer" originated the idea of this website, is the creative one, and frequently forgets to water her only plant. She is a fabulous artist and is passionate about everything. Like her dad, she is "emo".
Lillian "The Communicator" is our social marketer, communication director, outreach ombudsperson, and has pretentious names for their two plants. She is soon to be college bound ... but is rooted in our home.
Neil "The Doer" helps with such things as editing, video production, youtube, and being the resident composter. He is a passionate young man - loves tennis, gaming, and friendships.
Molly "The Smart One" supports the entire crew with love, food, and warm embraces.
Tristan "The Dogger" and "The Diggity" is a bundle of pure energy that lights up our world. I don't think he has had a bath in 4 years. He attacks life with vitality and exuberance. Once you come on the property, he will lovingly accept you.
Arthur, or "King Arthur", likes to nip on Adam's shins and whine every morning at 4 AM for food (which prompts Adam to get up and garden!). He has escaped to the outdoors at least one night. He curiously peer outside dreaming about future adventures (not realizing that the hawks would scoop him up in an instant).
Pond goldfish (anywhere from 12-24) keep the pond healthy and pretty.